Thursday, September 30, 2010

Incredible Woman #51 - Kay Kanter. Charity work, and Family fun...

KARA: "You are very much into charity work. Tell us about what you are working on."

KAY: "My passion is my charity work. I am one of the volunteer photographers
that works with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

This is a world wide program. I get calls from the hospitals when a baby dies or is near death. I rush to the hospital to take portraits of the babies and their parents. I come back and make them beautiful, put them together as a slide show, and give them to the family, free of charge. The families are very grateful. I often am asked to go to the baby's funeral, also. My goal is to take care of the family without crying in front of them. I usually sit in the parking lot to cry for a few minutes before I leave them. It is a sad thing, but they are so very thankful. The slide shows come out beautiful. Then they will have images and not only memories of their precious baby forever.

My other charity is my own creation. It is called For My Mama a Cancer
Photography Project.

I created this program in honor of my mom. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I couldn't imagine, not being able to remember her face, if she was to pass. I have been interviewed on several TV stations for this program.

I offer to do a photo shoot for the cancer patient and their family, for free, and I give them an 8x10. I am working on my non-profit license for this program. I have had such a great response from Huntsman Cancer Center and other medical facilities in
Colorado. It makes me feel good to help."

Boy, I really wish Kay had been there while I was going through cancer to make me look pretty! What a wonderful thing to do for cancer patients. I hope we can all take a page out of Kay's book of service, and find something we can do to help someone in need.

KARA: "Your greatest passion is your family. Describe some of your favorite memories of your family. What do you like to do together?"

KAY: "I love my little family. We start every morning the same way. Right before our alarm goes off, my son and daughter wake me up. (I am not sure why they don’t wake up daddy, but it is a nice way to start the day.) Everyone climbs into our bed. We snuggle and talk. It is so peaceful."

Tomorrow is the last day of Kay's interview. Please join us as she shares her goals, and her beauty secrets with us.


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