MARIE: "Through House of Order, my internet site, I offer a newsletter, articles, videos, and audio files on how to get more organized. I also have produced various materials to share that help get the housework done, teach children to work, housecleaning products to make it easier, and motivational tips to keep all of us focused on getting, being and staying organized. My updated website will be up and running in just a few short weeks!"
KARA: "I know you’ve written several books – tell us about those. What is your all time favorite?"
MARIE: "You are right, I have written several books. My favorite always seems to be my latest, The Children You Want with the Kids You Have. It is now on Deseret Book store bookshelves, and is a delightful instruction manual on how to raise children with a great work ethic who are happy, willing, and obedient. You will love it!
I've linked Marie's new book (above) to for your convenience. There are several more books there by Marie. If you are interested - click on any of the titles on the right sidebar to link to Deseret Book. And make sure to take a look at the House of Order website - it's great, with so many different helps. I really enjoy it. I also get Marie's newsletter. Check back in tomorrow to continue reading the interview with Marie.

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