I admire her for so many reasons - I think you'll understand when you get to know her.
Let's get started...
KARA: "Tell us about yourself. What makes you an incredible woman?"
MARIE: "Since I believe all women are incredible, I will answer this question by saying that the movement to true greatness involves understanding your passion, pursuing it with vigor, and staying with it until you find satisfaction and significantly impact the lives of others. In my different seasons, that has meant being a wife, a mother, a servant of God, and now includes writing, speaking, presenting, and coaching others about personal, home, and family organization. If you love it, find a way to make it a part of your life. You will be happier, more productive, and useful to our Heavenly Father."
KARA: "Tell us about your family. What is one thing that each of the members of your family has taught you?"
MARIE: "Well, I have 28 aunts and uncles, close to 100 first cousins, seven siblings, 43 nieces and nephews on one side of the family, and another 21 nieces and nephews on the other side, and a husband, four sons, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson. So my immediate circle of family influences approaches 200 individuals, diverse and absolutely precious to my learning process. Their greatest contribution is cheering me on during the extremely tough lessons life offers: death, discord, and emotional pain."If you are new to this blog, please return for a few minutes each day this week - Monday through Friday I'll be posting 2 questions/answers from my interview with Marie. See you tomorrow.

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