Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Incredible Woman #44 - Marina Gonzalez. Work and Trials...

KARA: "Tell us about your work. Why are you passionate about what you do?"

MARINA: "Well, I love to help people. When I see a need I want to help. People are amazing and I love meeting all types of families. I love to work with parents, they are the instrument of success to every child. When I learn or am trained in something new I love to share it and enlighten parents so that positive things happen to their families. Finding resources to enhance families is what I thrive on."

KARA: "What trials have you had, and how have they made you a stronger person? What have you learned from your trials?"

MARINA: "The toughest trial.... I have to say, was losing my dad to pancreatic cancer. Next to that was being a single mom for four years. I've learned that you never take anyone for granted and that you cherish every moment of your life with those you love. I also learned that one of the best gifts you can give your children is a father who loves their mother as much as he loves them."

Come back tomorrow to learn more about Marina - she teaches parenting classes and she's BIG into the scouting program!


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