Friday, May 7, 2010

Incredible Woman #37 - Tina Richey. Friday's Question.

KARA: "What are your hopes and plans for the future?"

TINA: "My future is determined by my present and how hard I work to pay off my bills and further my education in other areas to take home to California in the next 1-2 years. I am looking forward to the friendships I’m developing here but look forward to going home to my friendships and family soon. There is always a reason for everything. I am here for reasons I know, and some I don’t know, and that’s ok. I’m not in charge."

KARA: "What are your beauty secrets? How do you stay healthy and happy?"

TINA: "Beauty secrets? HAHA. I have bags under my eyes as we speak. I have a gut that I blame on my babies who are full grown adults, and gray hairs peeking out all over. I think the most important way to say healthy and happy is to LAUGH. I love to laugh, and joke and play. I’m a goofball. Just ask my kids. They think my jokes are stupid, but I catch them laughing behind my back. I don’t want to grow up. I have Peter Pan syndrome."

Thanks goes to Tina this week for sharing herself with us. I have known Tina all my life - she is one of my cousins! We grew up pretty much together. And I can attest to the fact that she is a goofball! She always has been. I have so many fond memories of her, saying funny things, and being silly with me. I loved her mother, my Aunt Anna, dearly, too, and miss her. What happened to her family that day, in a much smaller way, happened to all of us. It was my first experience with loss, and one that affected me for many years. I'm so happy that Tina has overcome those hard things that have happened to her, and that she is a happy person now. This interview will be up through Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening (Mother's Day), I'll be preparing the blog for another Incredible Woman - my mother! In honor of Mother's Day, I'm excited to introduce you to the woman who shaped me into who I am today... Barbara Anderson. I hope you'll join us then. And, as always, I'm happy to take nominations for those Incredible Women in your lives. Have a great weekend!


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