Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Incredible Woman #35 - Barbara Solt. Wednesday's Questions

KARA: "You are a missionary mom, right? Where is your missionary? Talk about the blessings you’ve received during this time. What have you done to enjoy your son’s mission along with him?"

BARBARA: "I am a missionary mom! Cameron is serving in the Leon Mexico Mission. He has been out for 20 months. He didn’t really want to serve a mission. He was raised, that it was expected he would serve. You know... when you go on your mission, not if. He was obedient and knew it would break my heart if he didn’t go, so off he went. He told us that no one was more surprised than he, when he got off the plane in Mexico City. He truly thought he would go into the MTC and return home within the next couple of weeks. The MTC was hard for him. Because he has ADHD, learning Spanish was especially hard. He had 3x5 index cards posted 6-7 deep on every part of his wall with Spanish words and definitions. I think his name was on the prayer roll for the first 3 months of his mission. Our family learned to really fast with a purpose, and I think we prayed harder than we ever had. We had our first miracle within the first month Cam was out. Landon, our autistic grandson, was not developing, we were really worried about his development, our daughter Leslie, was given a blessing and was told because of the service that Cam was giving the Lord, Landon would be blessed. It felt like changes happened immediately. Landon started to talk, he started to make eye contact and social connections. We knew without a doubt, it was because of Cam’s service. And what a blessing for Cam, he really struggled leaving his family behind. He would write letters telling us, if we could be with him, then his world would be perfect. As we would write letters to him, sharing with him the changes in Landon, it inspired him to work harder in his service to the Lord. Our family has always been close, but we are closer now than we have ever been. Loving and supporting Cameron has encouraged each of us to be a little better, read our scriptures more, be more diligent in family home evening and in our prayers. Each week I read articles on the church website that have something to do with either things Cam has written about, that he or a companion is struggling with, or articles that I feel drawn to. I send a copy of the article to Cam and share my testimony with him on how I’ve been strengthened. It’s amazing how the Lord directs me, how many times, Cam has written home and said that the article was just what he needed that week. Some moms will tell you, that having their son/daughter has been so great, it’s all roses, not for me! I have had my own personal struggles. Sending my son to a foreign country, alone without his family was hard. It has been a great blessing and time has flown by, but honesty? I can’t wait for him to be home!"

KARA: "What are your short-term and long-term goals for the future? Where do you see yourself in 10 years, 20 years?"

BARBARA: "Short term goal... getting Austin graduated from high school! We are almost empty-nesters. What an amazing new world! I have exactly 20 years until I retire, almost enough time to have another little family. Instead, we think we’re going to become foster parents. We have this big ole’ house, no kids and lots of love to give! I have always loved kids, the older they got, the more I loved them! I figure there are so many pre-teen and teenage kids that need a safe haven, and I have one to give. In 20 years…I hope to be serving a mission with my sweet hubby. I think that would be awesome and it’s something we’ve always looked forward to."


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