KARA: "Describe yourself. What makes you an Incredible Woman?
WENDY: "I am a mother of seven amazing children, six that keep my life crazy on a daily basis and one that looks down from above and laughs. I love to create and design beautiful things. I enjoy decorating, planning parties, organizing and hanging out with my family. I am a perfectionist, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on the situation. I have been a nail technician for 12 years and Vintage Bliss was created to combine my nail salon business with my love for unique and fabulous things. I live in Eagle Mountain with my best friend and husband- Kenny, my children and our two dogs."
KARA: "What one word describes each member of your family? What have you learned from each one?"
WENDY: "Wow, this is tough! If I can only use one word I think these are the best to describe my family.
Kenny- leader
Nate- friendly
Kenisha- original
Gentri- creative
Harlee- inquisitive
Bear- observant
Kolby- strong willed
Kenny is a leader in many different ways. He not only is the leader of our family, he is a leader to all those around him. People look up to him for encouragement and advice. His leadership skills inspire many and can be seen in all areas of his life. Whether you know him as your boot camp instructor, your neighbor, your coach, your fellow soldier, your friend, or your dad- you know him as a leader. Nate has always been 'that kid' that everyone was friends with. He is kind to everyone and people enjoy being around him. He is always sure no one is left out and I have witnessed many times the joy his infectious smile brings to others. Kenisha is one of a kind! She has always had a confidence and originality that not many kids her age have. She likes to be different and if someone else has it then she doesn't want it. Gentri reminds me a lot of myself. She enjoys creating and designing. She has a flair for anything artistic. Harlee is definitely the most talkative person in our family. She is curious, inquisitive and outgoing. She always has something to say, she is a great story teller. There is just something about Bear that is hard to put in words. He is aware of others. He is insightful and observant. He always seems to know how to brighten someones day. Kolby is - well, he is Kolby. He is the most stubborn and strong willed child I have ever known. He was coming to this earth, tubes tied or not! - and he lives his life with that same determination.
I learn from them all every day. Their traits and personalities are all an important part of our family."
If you are new to the blog - here's how it works...
I feature one Incredible Woman each week. Each day of the week - Monday through Friday - I post 2 questions/answers, for a total of 10 interview questions. So, don't hesitate to make a quick visit to this site each day - you'll learn something new each day, I promise! (One of the reasons I do this blog, is to help me and my readers learn from other women). I hope you enjoy getting to know Wendy this week.

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