VANESSA: "Very involved, sometimes too involved to the point that I get a bit burnt out. Although I have made some wonderful friends that will be my dear friends for life. I started with two other women a group called which is a Utah review site. I had such fun with these ladies and helping companies get their name out their in Utah social media."
KARA: "Tell us your beauty secrets. What do you do to stay healthy and happy? If you had one day all to yourself, what would you do?"
VANESSA: "Ha! Well everyone that knows me knows that this is my weakness, I don't take terribly good care of myself. Beauty wise that is. For the past few years we have been eating 2 days a week vegetarian and two days a week vegan, now if we just didn't eat sweets so much we would be crazy healthy."
Thanks to Vanessa for allowing me to feature her this week. I hope you enjoyed getting to know her. One of the best things about the internet is that I get to meet new people who are amazing. My life is blessed by meeting all of the women I've come in contact with. If you've got an idea for someone who needs to be featured here on Incredible Women, please email me at: kara(dot)incrediblewomen(at)
Have a GREAT Easter weekend!

Hi Kara! I'm visiting from A Peek at Karen's World to say hello. I love your blog!
Happy Easter!
Stopping by from Karen's blog today. This looks like a great blog you have, and what a wonderful idea!
I also like that Vanessa eats vegetarian twice a week and vegan twice a week. I've been pondering these diet changes, and I don't seem to be able to commit. This would be a great way to ease into and make a difference in some small way.
This is a neat concept! I like the week's worth of questions.
I'm also stopping by from Karen's blog.
Thanks for having me Kara :)
What a wonderful interview!!! I found your blog through Karen...I absolutely love the concept you have here!!!
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