Ok, here we go with questions one and two...
KARA: "Describe yourself. What makes you an Incredible Woman?"
VANESSA: "I love to play with my kids and I am pretty awesome at it. I am a supportive wife but need to be nicer to my husband! (that is my big downside, poor guy!) Most of the time I am a nice daughter and sister although I have a bit of an attitude, so only MOST of the time... ha, they know what I am talking about ;)
I keep my house pretty darn clean but not that organized. I try really hard to be a good friend, but sometimes expect too much from people. I love to cook and photograph but things only turn out about half of the time. Working towards upping my percentages in those areas ;) I WANT to read...I actually have a whole laundry basket sitting by my bed completely full of magazines and books that I still want to get to soon. I am the blogger behind INeverGrewUp.net, UtahsNaturalKids and am one (of three) co-owners of the blog SassyScoops.com. I run an online membership site called MomsMakeMoneyBlogging.com and work with companies all over the country helping them with their social media marketing, that company is AKickIntheBuzz.com. I also do all the behind the scenes work for my husband's companies CommuniCanine.net (a local dog training business serving the Utah area) and DogBehaviorOnline.com (a national dog training website)."
KARA: "Describe your family – what is special about each one of them?"
VANESSA: "My husband is a business owner, gentle Daddy to his daughters, supportive son and too smart for his own good. Abby is 4, she is mature, smart, beautiful, social, sweet, friendly and an artist. Cameron is 2, she is a cuddlebug, strong-willed, dancing queen and a Mama's girl. Honey & Rocco our dogs are patient, obedient and protectors of the girls.
See what I mean about Vanessa?! I'm really looking forward to getting to know her a little bit better. A reminder: I'll post 2 questions/answers each day this week - Monday through Friday, so check back often to read more of our interview.

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