KARA: "Describe yourself. What makes you an Incredible Woman?
GINGER: "I really have grown into my name considering that I was born blonde but now have red hair. Ginger just seems to fit. I am an optimist who looks for good in others and I try to accomplish 3 things each day: 1 physical, 1 spiritual and 1 service. I love to sing and dance and wish I could get my husband to learn ballroom! I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, camping and working in my flower beds. Picking weeds is therapeutic for me! I love spending time with my husband and 3 kids and enjoy the laughter and fun we have together.
What makes me an incredible woman?
My determination to reach out to every cancer patient in America. My desire and passion to brighten the lives of the thousands of cancer patients taking chemotherapy to survive. My choice to help others while I was enduring chemotherapy."
KARA: "Describe your family. What one word describes each member? What have you learned from each member of your family?
GINGER: "I have an incredible family. My husband Travis is very supportive. He teaches me everyday by his kindness to our children and the humor he provides. Everyday he makes me laugh and I love him for it.
Ben is Good. He tries to do what's right and set the example for others around him. He has a good heart and really cares about his family and friends.
Brinley is Giving. She is always giving her treats and toys to her brothers and wants to make them happy. She is an amazing girl and I'm excited to see her grow into a strong and caring woman.
Brooks is Easy Going. That's what his name means and he fits it perfectly. He is full of love and kindness and at only 3 years old has mastered 'please' and 'thank you'. He is a blessing to our family."
Just a reminder of how this blog works. Ginger will be interviewed for the whole week. We'll post 2 questions/answers each day, Monday-Friday. So, please return and read more about Ginger tomorrow.

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