LAUREL: "Actually I created this most recent website 10 years ago as a gift to myself and to my family on my 66th birthday, June 16, 2000. Prior to that I had created another family website with HTML that was mostly a repository for pictures. The current site is two-fold. The family part is private, available only to our family and a few friends and is password protected. Right now we have 64 members. It has the following sections: Calendar, Chat, Family Tree, File Cabinet, History, News, Photos, Polls, Recipes, Reviews and Utilities. We have had some wonderful and interesting discussions on every subject imaginable. I try to post a scrapbook page on the front page of the site for each member of the family on their birthday, anniversary, birth or other accomplishments such as graduations, missions, etc. Originally I was creating those front page banners with HTML but when I discovered digital scrapbooking I fell in love with the medium and now almost always do it with a scrapbook page. The nice thing about that is that I can later use them to print books of the year's activities in each family unit. If for some reason I am not able to create a page when an event happens there is always someone in the family who pitches in and produces and posts beautiful pages.
The other part of that website is public and is devoted to genealogy. I created it a few years ago when I was teaching a genealogy class. I haven't updated it recently but I should do some work on it or change the topic to make it more relevant to things I am involved in right now. I also have several other websites for the family with specific interest focus. One is called "Treasury of Wit and Wisdom" where members of the family can post anything they consider worthy of keeping or discussing or using for spiritual growth or talks or lessons they may give. Another is a digital scrapbooking site for those members of the family that do scrapbooking. I have a special website that is a repository for the writings and poetry of my daughter, Susie, and my granddaughter, Heidi. I also have a genealogy website for our family genealogy.
Did I mention that one of my greatest interests is keeping my family close and involved even though we live in various states and can't visit in person as often as we would like. The computer helps with that interest for sure!"
KARA: "Tell us your “beauty secrets” – what do you do to stay healthy? If you had one day to pamper yourself, what would you do? What kinds of things do you enjoy doing?"
LAUREL: "I try to eat a healthy diet, I walk daily, drink lots of water, just the regular stuff. I can't think what I would do if I had a day to pamper myself. I mentioned so many things that I enjoy doing in other answers that I have probably covered that pretty well."
Well, I can think of one thing Laurel would probably love - having every member of her family together for a whole day! This interview has been wonderful and I appreciate Laurel allowing me to feature her here on Incredible Women. Thanks goes to her daughter Suzie for nominating her! This interview will be up in it's entirety through Sunday afternoon, and then the blog will again be UNDER CONSTRUCTION for our next Incredible Woman. Thanks for stopping by!

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