Friday, September 24, 2010

KARA: "What inspires you?"

KATHI: "I have been inspired as I have watched others go through difficult challenges and see how their faith and love for Heavenly Father and the Savior has increased. I am inspired by the love of my Savior and the healing that is promised to each of us through His Atonement. I am inspired the Gospel Truths and by the words of Prophets and Church leaders who have given talks that have deeply touched my heart.

One of my favorite talks by Neal A Maxwell inspired me and helped open my eyes to an important spiritual truth. In the talk called “Called To Serve”, Elder Maxwell stated that the Prophet Joseph Smith said that if we want to live with the Savior and our Heavenly Father again we have to become like them by developing the Celestial attributes they have. Elder Maxwell explained that the way we do this is by having parallel but smaller scale experiences in our mortal lives. Knowledge of the Gospel Principles is not enough. It is the application of the Gospel truths through our own personal experiences that enable us to develop these Celestial attributes required. He explained this by using the analogy of the lecture vs. the lab. Being knowledgeable of the gospel is the lecture while the application of each principle is the lab that helps us develop the attribute.

With a new perspective and with new spiritual insights, I have reflected on many of my experiences and the experiences of others going through trials in a new light. I tend to look for these parallel but smaller-scaled experiences, which are a small but instructive portion of what the Savior and our Heavenly Father have experienced in the adversities and trials in my own life and the lives of others. I now realize that each of these experiences are opportunities to develop an important Godly attribute.

I am inspired by the promises made to each of us to have Eternal life with our loved ones. I look forward with joyful anticipation to the reunion with my son, parents, and family now in the spirit world. I look forward to kneeling before my Savior and expressing my love and gratitude for him."

KARA: "Share your beauty secrets with us! What makes you feel happy and healthy?"

KATHI: "I had PMS when I was younger so I had to adapt my diet to deal with the emotional and physical symptoms that were so difficult to me. To me it was easier to adapt to healthy eating because of the negative effect some foods had on me than to diet to lose weight. I discovered that the minute I said I think I should diet… I was hungry. I have tried to watch my weight but am finding it more difficult now that I am in the menopause stage of my life.

My best beauty secret is the inner beauty that comes to those who live the gospel. You can be the most beautiful woman in the world physically but lack the inner beauty of love for others. I have found the most beautiful women I know are the ones with the Light of Christ in their countenances and who have a loving and caring heart. Living the gospel and having a close relationship with the Savior and Heavenly Father are the keys to feeling happy and healthy."

Curtis, Kathi, and their cutie-patootie grandbaby, Shelby

I know you'll join me in thanking Kathi for opening her heart to us this week. I've loved every minute of this interview. It's helped me remember everything that is important to me, and helped remind me of the importance of being Christlike. I'm sure it's made me want to be a better person.

This interview will be up in it's entirety through Sunday, when I'll be working on our next interview. Have a great weekend!


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