Friday, July 16, 2010

Incredible Woman #46 - Colette Harris. Sister Survivors Service Opportunity, and Health & Happiness...

KARA: "Tell us about the Breast Cancer foundation you are involved with, and what your role in that is."

COLETTE: "I feel very honored to be a member of a board of directors that helped create an incredible new support group for breast cancer survivors in Utah. It is called Sister Survivors. Sister Survivors is a non profit foundation dedicated to providing support and wellness programs for individuals and their families affected by breast cancer.

The goal of Sister Survivors is to reach out and provide support to women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, to those going through surgery and treatments, to those recovering and trying to redefine their lives, to those with recurrent cancer, and to those family and friends that have loved ones affected by breast cancer.

We have monthly meetings and quarterly activities that are very fun and educational and provide tools for self improvement, managing side effects from cancer and living life to the fullest. One of the main benefits from going to the cancer support group is to enjoy the friendship and support of other breast cancer survivors.

We also have "mentors" (breast cancer survivors) that have been trained to mentor newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. It is scary going through breast cancer and it is always nice to have someone that has traveled the road help you on your journey.

We have a blog page: that is updated daily. It has dates and times of upcoming events and is loaded tons of valuable information, recipes, exercise and eating healthy tips, inspirational thoughts, and much, much more.

We are especially proud of the fact that we are also a service organization. The monies donated to our organization will allow cancer survivors, their family and friends make need scarves, hats, blankets and other comfort items for breast cancer patients. We also want to be able to provide funding for women that can't afford needed treatments or surgery.

I am humbled to be the program director for Sister Survivors. I hope and pray that the monthly support group I over see will meet the needs of the breast cancer survivors in our area.

Breast cancer survivors are some of the most amazing women I have ever met. Our motto for Sister Survivors is "Share the journey and the wisdom one sister at a time." I am so honored to share the journey with breast cancer survivors. They are dear sisters and friends and are very close to my heart."

KARA: "Finally, tell us your beauty secrets! What makes your healthy and happy?"

COLETTE: "Aging is inevitable, so laugh a lot because "smile wrinkles" are a lot better looking that "frown wrinkles." If you feel like Mother Nature has let you down, a little Mary Kay can always perk you up! I think that true beauty is reflected in your countenance. If you are beautiful on the inside it will shine through your eyes, and you will always be beautiful to those whose lives you touch for good.

Being a cancer survivor, I view life differently now. I realize that each day on this earth is truly a gift from a loving Heavenly Father. I am now a lot more aware of the importance of taking care of my health. I have an exercise DVD I do with my husband for thirty minutes four times a week and I try to walk five times a week for 30 minutes. I am also trying to improve my eating habits. I try to cut out most sweets, watch my carb intake and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Waking up each morning is a celebration of life. I am so happy to be here! The song of a bird, the wind on my face, children playing--the simple things in life, touch my heart on a much deeper level than they did before being diagnosed with cancer. I am so grateful that I feel well enough to make meals, weed my garden, and clean my house again. But most of all, I am looking forward to many years ahead spending time enjoying the company of my wonderful family and friends. I really want to help others as a way of saying "thank you" to a loving Father in Heaven for my gift of life. That is what makes me happy. I am very blessed! Life is good!"

Thanks goes to Colette for this wonderful interview! I know Colette from serving with her on the board of Sister Survivors, and it has been a pleasure learning more about my fellow cancer survivor. She is always happy, and kind, and it makes me feel good to be around her. She is a very humble person - putting other into the spotlight. I admire her greatly. Colette's entire interview will be on the blog through the weekend, so if you haven't had a chance to read the questions from each day, take a minute to do that. Sunday night we'll be under construction once again as we prepare to bring you another Incredible Woman. Have a great weekend!


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