Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Incredible Woman #47 - Shannon Stahura. Atonement, and Wordless Wednesday

As I was posting the questions for yesterday, apparently I missed part of Shannon's answer about trials. I'm sorry about that - here is the rest of the answer (Shannon mentioned that her success in overcoming depression was two-fold. This is the 2nd "fold")...

SHANNON: "The second part was realizing the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I learned how to use the power of the Atonement on a daily basis to strengthen me and help carry my burden. It was difficult. It did not happen overnight. There were setbacks. Some days it seemed too hard. It seemed like it would be easier to wallow in my misery. But, somehow I got the strength to move forward. This trial, like all trials, has been one of my greatest blessings. It was through this trial that I learned who I was, my greatness and what I am capable of when I choose to turn to the Savior. Prior to this I had learned of the healing power of Jesus Christ, I knew he was there. And every Sunday I repented of my sins and recommitted myself to following Him. But through this trial I learned how to make him a constant part of my daily life. Calling on him moment by moment, unceasingly to help me carry my burdens.

For the rest of this part of the interview, I'd like to share some pictures of Shannon's family. We'll call this part "Wordless Wednesday"...

I just LOVE that last picture! Join us again tomorrow for 2 more questions/answers from Shannon.


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