Thursday, February 11, 2010

Incredible Woman #25 - Kendra Burton. Thursday's Questions

KARA: "Do you have a hero? Tell us about that person, and what things make a hero."

KENDRA: "My parents are my heroes. Through business they have done well for themselves but they never have aggrandized themselves. Everything they do in life is to help others. As one example, when they were in their fifties they were called on an LDS mission to Oakland, California where they worked with many Vietnamese people. This required that they close up their Architects Office, find someone to manage their home and other business for over a year and hope when they got home that they could start again. This was especially concerning because it was the very time of their life when they should have been earning and saving as much as they could to prepare for retirement. They were blessed for their service and set an example for their family and posterity."

KARA: "Tell us about the work you have done on LDS temple murals."

KENDRA: "I am very grateful for the opportunity to be part of the art teams that painted murals for the Finland, Panama, Draper, and Oquirrh LDS Temples under the direction of Greg and Linda Curley Christensen. Being called as a temple mural artist missionary has been a highlight of my life. As we painted I could envision and feel those who would experience the murals when they personally would go through the temples. We began each day with a devotional thought and prayer.As we painted we would do all that we could to have the spirit influence us. There were times when I could feel the spirit direct me in certain colors or strokes in a way that would represent the beauty of God's creations."

Please join us tomorrow - the last day of Kendra's interview. We'll talk about her talents as a song-writer, and ask her to share her beauty secrets with us. You won't want to miss it! Also, I wanted to share some of Kendra's music with you, but I am having a hard time adding the MP3s to this blog (my computer guys have been busy!). So, if you'd like to hear some samples of her music, go to You'll be able to click on the albums, and then the titles of each song to hear a sample. They are beautiful!


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