Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thanks to Carol Rice - Incredible Woman #6

The end of another great week of Incredible Women! It was so fun learning about Carol - I hope you loved her as much as I do. Here are some of the things Carol taught me this week...

Her children are equally wonderful and challenging, the effort we put into things equals the benefits we get in return, running a business is much easier when you involve your family, spend time with your siblings and don't let anything intrude, whenever you find yourself in the spotlight, in your imagination reach up and move that light so it shines on your audience instead of you, know your material inside and out, make a list of reasons you love your spouse, keep that list close by and read it often, don't leave the house without perfume and lipstick! Oh, and I've seen Carol stand up in the sun roof of a moving car and belt out the songs from Mama Mia while she danced! It was pretty funny. ;-)

Thanks so much, Carol, for allowing us to get to know you better.

Hope you all like the blog better this week. It's not as cluttered and the focus has been just on the interview. I like it much better. What do you think?

Tomorrow we'll announce the winner of the package of Cherish Bound products. Today is your last chance to enter the drawing, by becoming a follower and commenting.

I'm looking forward to another Incredible Woman next week - I hope you are too!


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